Sobriety is becoming the new cool! With wellness making it to the top of the priority list of people, especially after the pandemic, the sober-curious movement is gaining steam, steadily. With losing the booze becoming the new mantra, people are now hitting the watering holes to experiment with non-alcoholic cocktails, which almost make you, feel like the real thing.

Drinking is a social activity

Going out with friends or colleagues and hitting the watering hole for a drink is something that everyone looks forward to after a long hard day at work. And who doesn’t love to party and celebrate a special occasion or soothe one’s pain and anxiety with a couple of drinks? But, if you have decided to give up on alcohol, don’t worry about missing out on all the fun. You can still hit the party, with an aesthetically-pleasing drink in hand, albeit without alcohol. No more hangovers and drunken shenanigans!

Why zero-alcohol beverages are good

A night of heavy drinking can lead to a hangover. Alcohol can give you the initial high, but at the same time, can affect your health and intensify negative emotions. Alcohol-free drinks, on the other hand, can provide you with the placebo effect. So, don’t be a party pooper and just ‘booze’ without having the actual liquor. Also, you can show up at work the next day, sans a hangover. Win-win situation, isn’t it?

The sober curious movement…

The sober-curious movement is rapidly gaining inroads among the health-conscious with many choosing to bid adieu to alcohol for wellness and personal reasons. It has helped re-evaluate one’s alcohol use, bust the notion that drinking makes you look ‘cool’ and offers alternative approaches to alcohol consumption. It also throws light on the impact of alcohol on one’s body, be it physical, mental or emotional, especially in the long run. Health benefits are an added bonus.

An aesthetically-appealing replacement

But, why a non-alcoholic drink, why not just opt for a mocktail or a soft drink? Just because you are not drinking alcohol, doesn’t mean that you can’t have a visually-appealing drink in your hand, isn’t it? Getting a zero-alcohol drink served in a beautiful manner, after all imitation is a sincere form of flattery. Placebo effects are real, getting a stunningly-looking a zero-percentage alcohol halal drink, can make you feel like having the same effects of a cocktail kicking in.

An array of options

These days, there is an array of non-alcoholic drinks on the menu that you can sip and savour on, alongside some scrumptious delicacies. The delicious, complex, concocted beverages are infused with ingredients that induce the feelings of euphoria and relaxation, just like a ‘real’ drink. These elixirs can be crafted into some beautiful mocktails along with juices, herbs and roots. Brands like My Spanish Pantry are also doling out sparkling juices and sparkling wines, much to the delight of the sober drinkers. If you have joined the fitness wagon, but at the same time, want to get a drink, remember that there is always a non-alcoholic version out there.