It is that part of the year when the cheer in the air is more than usual and with the festivities and the gorgeous Christmas decorations rubbing off on you, you find yourself in a celebratory mood. As the year draws to a close and we all look forward to the beginning of a new […]

Non Alcoholic Wine – Real Taste, Real Benefits!

Ever wondered about the joy of having a non-alcoholic beverage to drink which tastes like the real drink but doesn’t actually have any alcohol content? Non-alcoholic beverages, like wine or sparkling drinks which are absolutely alcohol free or have 0.0% alcohol content are a great way to enjoy the real fermented taste of wine, guilt-free! […]

Halal Wines?

Halal Wines?  say what? For those that don’t know, the word “Halal” simply means permissible in Arabic, and can be applied to any food or beverage. Halal food has been prepared according to Islamic law, and is free from pork products, alcohol and certain other ingredients. The original reason for Halal was to serve the national and […]