Pomegranate Juice May 750ml
Ripe with the flavors of fresh pomegranate, this sparkling drink from Spain is delicious served chilled. This sparkling juices are made of 100% concentrated pomegranate juice. Contains natural aromas; fruity and sweet taste. Mix it with flavors of your choice like mint or lime to immerse in the experience of refreshing mocktail drink.
Additional Information:
• 750ml (25.4 fl.oz)
• No added sugar
• No preservatives
• Pomegranate flavor
• 100% concentrated fruit juice
• Contains the vitamins and minerals found in whole fruit (Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Manganese and Potassium)
• Certified Halal. Click here to view Halal Assurance Certificate.
• Made in Spain following strict European Standards
Suggested use
Best served chilled without ice cubes in the glass.
Keep refrigerated and consume within 4 days of opening
Beverage ideal for restaurants, family and corporate events
Mix flavors of choice to experiment new mocktails